Our Expert Instructors

Our instructors are not just trainers. They have been involved in the Rafting and rescue industries for many years.

They are active members of a rescue organisation and as such bring with them specialist knowledge in this field.

Ash Buls

  • Worked as a Hydrographer in NSW (Sydney Water)
  • Diploma in Water Resources
  • Member of Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
  • Involved with the White Water Rafting industry for over 20 years as River Guide, Operations Manager and Swift Water Rescue Instructor
  • Emergency Medical Technician for over 10 years
  • Casual Medic since 2012 for First Response Australia
  • High angle Rescue Specialist Cert IV in TAE

Andy Loxton

  • White Water Rafting – 20 years experience
  • White Water Rafting Supervisor for 12 years
  • Abseiling and rope work – 20 years experience
  • Outdoor Education – 10 years experience
  • First Aider – EMT, Pre-Hospital Emergency Resuscitation & Trauma (incl Senior First Aid, advanced resuscitation, spinal management)
  • IRF (International Rafting Federation) Instructor Grade 4
  • Outdoor Tourism involvement for over 20 years in Australia, Canada, South America